Designed for novice researchers with a special emphasis on learning the basic of SEM in SMART PLS
5 days
Detailed Schedule

In the 5 days of an interactive  online experience of data analysis and Structural Equation Modelling with Smart PL, we'll dive in hands-on one after another of the following in detail. 

  • 1. Justification of using Smart PLS
  • 2. Reflective vs Formative Models
  • 3. Reflective Model Assessment
  • 4. Formative Model Assessment
  • 5. Measurement Model and Structural Model
  • 6. Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis
  • 7. Blindfolding
  • 8. PLS Predictive Analytics
  • 9. Importance Performance Analysis
  • 10. Mediation Analysis
  • 11. Moderation Analysis
  • 12. Multi group Analysis
  • 13. Working on Higher Order Constructs
The things you will learn
  • To understand the basic concepts of data analysis using Smart PLS
  • Practical application of the concepts
  • To interpret and analyze your own data, if any without any assistant in near future.
  • Confident in handling data and working with Smart PLS
Useful guidelines
  • Please join with a laptop with camera, headset and mic.
  • Request to join the WhatsApp group will be mailed to the registered participants to get the updates of the course. Joining the group will be mandatory.
  • Instruction to download the software will be provided by the mentor before the sessions begins.
  • A good 4G internet connection is recommended
  • Please try to join the experience on or before the given time
  • Please try to join the experience on or before the given time
  • Please carry a proof of identification with you
  • Always communicate through Freebirds and never transfer money outside the Freebirds platform
  • You can cancel upto 3 days before the experience is scheduled to start
Hosted by
Mergen Centre of Learning

Mergen Centre of Learning is an entity of Mergen BioLogics Training & Research Pvt.Ltd. It is solely dedicated to impart hands-on training and pre-emptive research in the field of Life sciences. It is being established with a mission to provide right kind of assistance and attention to the budding researcher of this region through various workshops and custom designed programmes.

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