Dates: 21 April - 14 May, 2021 | 8 x 90 min Sessions | Online Days: 2 sessions each week | Wednesday and Friday Time : 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm IST Age: For 12 - 16 yo If you are reading the description of this course, then you more than likely have an avid interest in reading. Have you ever wondered why that is the case? Why we are compelled to read about people that never existed, places that never were, things that never happened? And why we have that itch to tell a story of our own, but sometimes just can't find the words to tell it? This course will be a journey into the mystifying and magical world of fiction, and understanding what this world can tell us about our own. More importantly, it will be a journey into understanding ourselves, and finding the stories that exist inside each and every one of us. Join us if you would like to try your hand at writing a story and are excited to meet more young writers from around the country! This course is a part of the Immersive offerings designed to enable young learners to experience choice-based learning and deep dive into an interest area.
Session 1 - 21st Apr Wednesday Session 2 - 23rd Apr Friday
Session 3 - 28th Apr Wednesday Session 4 - 30th Apr Friday
Session 5 - 5th May Wednesday Session 6 - 7th May Friday
Session 7 - 12th May Wednesday. Session 8 - 14th May Friday
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
We are a small and close knit community of facilitators from different walks of life hosting unique experiential learning workshops. Our first unconference had over 300 participants over a two-day gathering. Children infused virtual screens with their energies, and we could experience the joy of learning together and the value it added to their lives. We work on bringing immersive critical thinking and democratic learning for children from different walks of life.